About us
Meet the tutors
Ben Devonport
Paulina Moson
100+ Students
5,000+ Hours tutoring
Masters in Civil and Structural Engineering
Mathematics A-Level: Grade A*
Further Mathematics A-Level: Grade A*
Enhanced DBS Check
50+ Students
1,000+ Hours tutoring
Masters in Architecture
Mathematics A-Level: Grade A*
Enhanced DBS Check
Specialist in Mathematics A-Level lessons!
Specialist in Mathematics GCSE lessons!
Our Terms and Conditions
1. Services Provided
Our tutoring services are provided online, focused on helping students with math. Sessions are educational and support-focused.
2. User Responsibilities
Users agree to show up on time, be prepared, and engage in sessions.
3. Scheduling & Cancellations
Cancellations or rescheduling require 24-hour notice. Missed sessions without notice may not be refunded.
4. Payment
Payments are due before each session (or per your package agreement). Refunds are provided only if sessions are canceled by us.
5. Privacy
Personal information shared with us is kept confidential and used only to provide services.
6. Limitation of Liability
We aim to support academic improvement but do not guarantee specific results or grades.
7. Changes to Terms
Terms may be updated; users will be informed of changes.